Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Response to "Dear Lord, This year my favorite.."

A response to the following web post:

Dear Lord,
This year my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze died. My favorite actress Farrah Fawcett died. My favorite singer Michael Jackson died. I just wanted to let you know that my favorite president is Barack Obama. Amen

A few observations:

Can you image what the blow back would have been, had I posted something like this during the Bush administration?

I thought working for the death of the President was a felony.

When I was against the Bush administration’s policies, I was accused of being un-American, unpatriotic, anti-American, treasonous, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

I could have had my phone illegally wiretapped. I could have been arrested, had my Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended, been drug off to a military brig, declared an enemy combatant, denied my rights to legal representation, denied the right to view the evidence against me, and denied the right to confront my accuser. I could have even been tortured.

I find it incredibly funny that during the Bush administration this type of speech was considered treasonous, but now it is a case of free speech and free expression.

Apparently when a Democrat is President, our citizens have no fear of being arrested or investigated for this type of speech, but during a Republican administration this type of speech is treasonous. When people fear a Republican Administration it is tyranny. When the people fear the Obama administration it is laughable.

Our citizens have no fear of the current administration and people are free to say the most awful and disgusting things about the President.

I am so glad our society and nation have evolved to the point where we are free to say what we feel about the President. I hope this continues in the future, if we have another Republican president.

A list of my “favorites”:
Favorite Supreme Court Justices: Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito
Favorite ex-President: George W. Bush
Favorite ex-Vice President: Dick Cheney
Favorite ex-Governor of Alaska: Sarah Palin
Favorite radio entertainer: Rush Limbaugh
Favorite TV entertainer: Glenn Beck
Favorite televangelist: Pat Robertson
Favorite US Senators: Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning
Favorite US Representative: Michelle Bachmann
Favorite “news” organization: Fox News
Favorite political advisor: Karl rove
Favorite lobbying group: the NRA
Favorite political party: the Republicans
Favorite political movement: the Tea Party


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