Thursday, February 15, 2007

Opposing Iraq War is Shameful

This letter to the editor was sent to the Post-Bulletin. I am in the process of formulating a rely. What do those of you out there think of this particularly loony crackpot?

Opposing Iraq war is shameful

We must lose the Iraq war for the sake of the liberal Democrat leadership. They say we can't win and do not want us to win. They will continually do anything to throw gasoline on the fire, to keep encouraging the terrorists, to make sure we lose.

Lack of backbone on the part of some Republicans helps them. Politics in pursuit of power is being done at the expense of excessive loss of our soldiers' and the Iraqi people's lives. When the people of our country act on the side of the enemy, it is, to put it mildly, very, very shameful. Could it be that the fulfillment of the agenda of a "One World Government" is just around the corner, which some are longing for?

Won't it be delightful to under a world dictation, a world court and military? Hate for President Bush, grasping for power by the Democrat leadership with the help of the liberal news media asserting divisive oppositions to the war on terrorism could backfire if a win in Iraq happens between now and the 2008 elections.

What is truly shameful about this letter is the blind devotion this writer has for Bush. The writer says there is excessive loss of our soldiers' lives and the Iraqi peoples lives. I whole heartedly agree with him on this point however the reasoning behind his statement is spurious at best. He is saying that the loss of life is because the Democrats are encouraging the terrorists. How can anyone, any American truly believe that any American, especially those in Congress are encouraging terrrorists? No American is encouraging the terrorists. The terrorists are the ones at fault not the Democrats. American soldiers and Iraqi citizens are losing their lives because they stand in the way of the terrorists desire to spread their hate-filled ideas to Iraq and the rest of the world. Iraqi was not a terrorist haven or any central focus on the so-called war on Terror until Bush invaded. Bush made Iraqi the central focus of the war on terrorism. Our soldiers are dying in Iraq not because the Democrats want to begin a draw down. Our soldiers are dying because of poor planning of the aftermath of the invasion. Bush and his cronies were in a state of dillusion when they thought the invasion and war would be over quickly. Bush botched the aftermath and now our soldiers are continuing to die because of poor planning.

Bush is to blame for the disaster in Iraq and the continuing deaths of American soldiers. Bush has a lot of blood on his hands and a lot to answer for. There will be no win in Iraq for anyone. We have lost already. We have lost the moral high ground. We have lost our beacon of hope and light in a dark world. We are on the verge of losing out national soul due to Bush. We are losing our civil rights and our freedoms. Where is my country? I don't recognize the country I believe in anymore.

I am at a loss to explain or understand what the writer says about a one world government. It seems to me that a one world government would be a good thing. A governing body that can work out differences between nations can only be good. The United Nations is a good start but Bush won't let the United Nations handle anything. We need more people like Kofi Annan and less people like George Bush.


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