Friday, September 29, 2006

National Intelligence Estimate

The Nation Intelligence Estimate this week said that the war in Iraq has made the US less safe as it is creating more terrorist and terrorism. Pres. Bush, at a press conference today (Sept. 29) said, "You don't create more terrorists by bombing terrorists." I agree. You don't create more terrorists by bombing and destroying terrorists. What creates terrorist, Mr. President, is invading a country with limited military capability that is not nor ever was a threat to the United States. Mr. Bush continues to believe the myths he has created around 9/11 and Iraq. There is no credible evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destructions. There is no credible evidence that Iraq and alqada were working together to threaten the United States. There is no credible evidence that Iraq was trying to get uranium from Africa. Yet the president continues to feed the American public, at least the 25% of the American public that are the right wing base, the same line. That line being: Iraq is the front line in the war on terrorism. There were no or very few known terrorists in Iraq when Bush invaded. At the time of the invasion, Afghanistan was the front line in the war on terrorism. Afghanistan should still be the front line. Instead, because of the Bush Doctrine, Iraq is now the front line. Only because Bush invaded. The terrorists came to Iraq in response to Bush's overreaction to 9/11. The invasion of Iraq was, by and far, the most egregious overreaction to 9/11. The terrorists and insurgents are in Iraq because Bush invaded. The terrorists came after the invasion not before. Bombing terrorists doesn't create terrorists but invading and bombing a sovereign country does. The war in Iraq created the terrorists and insurgents now in Iraq. The terrorists and insurgents didn't create the war in Iraq. They came as a response to Bush's war.


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