Friday, September 08, 2006

Mr. Bush's War

Mr. Bush’s War in Iraq is no Comparison to the Fight Against Nazi Germany

Last week in Salt Lake City Mr. Bush compared the war in Iraq as being on the same level as the World War II fight against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. He said victory in Iraq is as important a victory as at Omaha Beach and Guadalcanal. If I were a veteran of either of those campaigns I think I would be awfully upset at the comparison. What Mr. Bush fails to recognize is that Japan attacked us first and Hitler declared war on the United States before we actually went to war with either country. Iraq never attacked the United States. Iraq never declared war on the United States. World War II was a battle against two forces that were out for world domination. Hitler wanted to conquer and control Europe, Central Asia, and North Africa. Japan was out to conquer Asia and the Pacific. The two times Saddam Hussein tried to conquer new territory (Iran/Iraq war and Kuwait) he was defeated. Germany over ran much of Europe, into Central Asia, and North Africa. Japan over ran much of Asia Pacific and China. Japan and Germany were a direct threat to world peace and stability as can be seen by the 6 or more years of war it took to finally defeat these two powers. World War II was a struggle to liberate countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific from three (Germany, Japan, and a lesser extent, Italy) countries intent on conquering the world. Before Mr. Bush violated US and international law by invading Iraq, Iraq had no plans for world domination, no plans to attack the United States, and was in no way a threat to the United States. His decision to go to war with Iraq was based on false and misleading information. Making a comparison to the noble struggle against Germany and Japan and the disaster of Mr. Bush’s making in Iraq is disrespectful, at the least, to the many veterans who fought and died on the beaches.


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