Monday, May 17, 2010

More Republican Beliefs

Children are smart if they pass multiple-choice tests.

God hates the people I hate.

To negotiate is to be weak.

Never admit any doubts.

What is our oil doing under their soil?

The truth has nothing to do with evidence.

Sex for pleasure is bad, except for me.

Constantly talk about Jesus.

Obsess about embryos, but ignore the needs of real children.

Suck up to banks, telecoms, and other big campaign contributors.

Environmentalists are sissies, even when they are correct.

Blame gays and immigrants, whenever possible.

Disparage all inconvenient science.

Act as though it is important to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kill or torture all people who might possibly be bad.

Bad people are constantly trying to destroy America because we are free.

Anyone different from me is bad.


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