Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Quotes About Life

To die will be an awfully big adventure. - Peter Pan

There is a strong countertradition, now submerged, that insists that any time we say we know who god is, or what god wants, we are committing an of heresy. - Karen Armstrong

As modern history has unfolded, the bible has proven to be wrong many times. - John Shelby Spong

Why believe in god? Be good for goodness sake.

Imagine no religion.

Jesus is the victim of a god who is not able to forgive the wayward human race unless provided with a human sacrifice and blood offering.

Do you think all other stories are legend, but that your story of Jesus is noble and convincing? - Celsus, 2nd century Christian critic

Hell was invented by people very sure they are not going there.

Is man one of god's blunders or is god one of man's? - Friedrich Nietzche, 1844-1900

Human beings always reflect the presuppositions of the cultural wisdom of the day. They reflect the level of knowledge that the speaker has achieved. - John Shelby Spong

Who is so silly as to believe that god, after the manner of a farmer, planted a paradise eastward in Eden, and set in it a visible and palpable 'tree of life' of such a sort that anyone who tasted its fruit with his bodily teeth would gain life? - Origen

The Epicurean philosophy taught that although the gods exist, they do not intervene in human affairs, and that it is man's duty as well as to his advantage to free himself of the superstitious fear of death an future punishment.

Charles of Anjou (1266) regarded all commoners whether in his native France or in Italy, the land of his adoption, as laborious clods whom god in his goodness had provided in order that sovereigns and their barons, the true elect of the earth, might lead an honorable and dignified existence. - Orville Prescott, Lords of Italy

Giovanni Visconti, circa 1350, when asked why he did not celebrate communion, "I prefer to eat delicious bread and drink good wine."

History may not repeat itself, but certain familiar themes and patterns continually reappear in the history of every age and people.

There is a fine line sometimes between religious expression and mental illness. Sometimes religion provides the setting that makes symptoms of mental illness seem acceptable. - John Shelby Spong

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. - Christopher Hutchens


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