Tuesday, December 21, 2010


If the fetus you save is gay, will you still fight for its rights?

The way to see by faith is to shut the eyes to reason. - Ben Franklin

Christianity is not belief in the bible.

It has been said that you can tame an elephant. That much is true. We may also say that those who tame elephants better have a big shovel to clean up the big mess that elephants leave behind.

Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow. - Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1861

Those who give up their freedom for security deserve neither. - Thomas Jefferson

You might be a liberal if you believe in:
A 40 hour week
A minimum wage
Social Security
Safe food
Safe products
Civil rights for all
A balanced Federal budget
Regulation of financial markets
Clean air and water
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Don't like liberals? Fine, then give us back: our clean air and water standards, worker safety protections, the 40 hour work week, the Social Security program, the civil rights movement, the equal rights movement, the free speech movement, discrimination protections, the school lunch program, birth control, rural electrification, organized labor, child-labor laws, the minimum wage, employee health care benefits, public assistance, Americans with Disabilities Act, the Voting Rights Act, food and drug safety regulations, federally subsidized student loans, collective bargaining, and everything else we have done to put power back in the hands of the individual, and out of the hands of the ruling and corporate elite.

Massive wind spill at local wind farm gives area residents opportunity to fly kites. No adverse affect on tourism reported.

If you're looking at the bible for a guide to living a compassionate, wise, and human life, well, frankly you've got more of a chance of finding a lap dancing club in Mecca. - Pat Cordell

Homosexuality shouldn't be classified as a sin, because it doesn't meet the first, most important criterion of being a sin, which is manifestly causing harm. - John Shore

Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened.

It is the supreme act of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. - Albert Einstein.

Home sapien athiensis

Spirituality - the fusing of human awareness on the subtle aspects of existence, a practice that reveals to us a profound interconnectedness.

The continuation of modernity threatens the very survival of our planet.

What affects one of us affects us all.

And it harm none, do what you will.

There are many paths up the mountains of spiritual understanding, not just one path.

Friday, December 10, 2010

NEW Bills Republicans Have Blocked

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Christian Art and Poetry

Going to church might be more fun and interesting if more attention was paid to Christian art and poetry.

Jesus between Mary's Breasts
by Joseph Beaumont c. 1650

In the coolness of the day,
The old world even, God all undressed went down
Without His robe, without His crown,
Into His private garden, there to lay
On spicy bed
His sweeter head.

There He found two beds of spice,
A double mount of lilies in whose top
Two milky fountains bubbled up.
He soon resolved: "And well I like!" He cries,
"My table spread
Upon my bed."

Scarcely had He 'gun to feed
When troops of cherubs hovered round about,
And on their golden wings they brought
All Eden's flowers. But we cried out: "No need
Of flowers here!
Sweet spirits, forbear."

"True, He needs no sweets," say they;
"But sweets have need of Him, to keep them so;
Now paradise springs new with you,
Old Eden's beauty all inclined this way;
And we are come
To bring them home.

"Paradise spring new with you,
Where 'twixt those beds of lilies you may see
Of life the everlasting Tree."
"Sweet is your reason," then said we: "come strew
Your pious showers
Of eastern flowers."

[CHORUS] Winds awake! and with soft gale
Awake the odors of our garden too;
By which yourselves perfumed go
Through every quarter of your world, that all
Your sound may hear
And breathe your air.